Welcome to the EnergyXYZ Geospatial blog

Our goal with this site is to give those in the energy industry a place to learn about what you can do with maps and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to further your analytical needs. We will be sharing resources, news, and data in the hopes that we can help you improve your skills and knowledge about mapping and GIS.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More from Google (Terrain!)

Google has recently added a new terrain feature to their widely used online mapping application. In the "pre-digital age" terrains and relief shading were painted or drawn after years of surveying the landscape with manual instruments. For great examples of this type of work look to Swiss cartographer Eduard Imof as well as many others.
Eduard Imhof

"Karte der Gegend um den Walensee" (section) by E. Imhof 1:10,000, 1938."

Nowadays terrain like Google's are generated digitally from Digital Elevation Models. Overal it's a great addition to an already impressive product. It's interesting to toggle between the satellite imagery and the terrain. In many cases the terrain allows you to visualize the landscape much better than the photograph. Example below:

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