Welcome to the EnergyXYZ Geospatial blog

Our goal with this site is to give those in the energy industry a place to learn about what you can do with maps and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to further your analytical needs. We will be sharing resources, news, and data in the hopes that we can help you improve your skills and knowledge about mapping and GIS.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Globe4D- the four dimensional interactive globe

Here is an example of how traditional geospatial products like the globe are changing due to advancements in geospatial technologies and a growing public interest.

Globe4D is an interactive globe that allows users to view data-sets as they change over time - time being the 4th dimension. It's an interesting concept and gives us all something to think about and look forward to. How useful would it be to add custom data-sets and view those data-sets over time (forwards and backwards) in a "hands-on" interactive environment? Be sure and watch the product videos at the companies website.

You can learn more about the globe: here

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