Welcome to the EnergyXYZ Geospatial blog

Our goal with this site is to give those in the energy industry a place to learn about what you can do with maps and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to further your analytical needs. We will be sharing resources, news, and data in the hopes that we can help you improve your skills and knowledge about mapping and GIS.

Friday, November 2, 2007

McGraw-Hill Offices on the Map

We put together a quick map of an updated list of McGraw-Hill Offices in the United States. We also plan to get all of the international offices in soon. This map is a great example of beginning to build a mash up of data. This is just a first pass of mapping the offices. We would like input from other McGraw-Hill employees and eventually a revised list of actual locations. After you take a look at your office, check out the Bird's eye view and try the 3d view as well. You will be prompted to download a 3d driver. The capabilities of both Microsoft's Live Search Maps and Google's Earth/Maps are still developing, but it is already a great way to find information and data in a visual way.

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