Welcome to the EnergyXYZ Geospatial blog

Our goal with this site is to give those in the energy industry a place to learn about what you can do with maps and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to further your analytical needs. We will be sharing resources, news, and data in the hopes that we can help you improve your skills and knowledge about mapping and GIS.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Platts/UDI China mapping data graces pages of National Geographic

UDI is a department within Platts which collects and databases generation and contact data for power plant units globally. You can see their products here.

The mapping group at Platts Analytics took UDI's power plant data for China and mapped it and now has the honor of sharing that data with National Geographic magazine. You can see some of our GIS data (coal fired power plants) in the May issue which is dedicated to China's growth.

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